New World Order vets tips and tricks of the trade

  1. ACM HEAD ON (Dog Fighting)…First know your planes and there capability,dont turn fight a zero in a FW 190 etc. On a head on pass at d30 dive below the attacker, this builds speed and avoid the gamble of a head on.At the instant your clear of his guns pull up looping over the top,first pilot to get over the top will win.Never do a horizontal "S" 180 degree turn,always go over the top in a loop,if he goes for a horizontal 180 turn to have him! BUT, know your energy, if your doing 150 mph, and he is doing 300 mph best to dive and try to get equal energy at lower alt to even the odds.
  2. THE KILL … Get in close,convergence set at 300 means D3 is where your bullets cross paths creating the max fire power distance. Conv 200 yrds and D2 etc. Dont hose the sky waisting ammo at d10 or 7.Get into your conv zone and blow the snot out of him.(If you see an enemy hoseing the sky at d10-20 etc this marks him to be a new pilot and easy kill.)
  3. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS… Very important, to read your surroundings. If you dive into a squadron of 5 spits and engage a turn fight your going to die, and fast.Look at your six befor engageing, watch the other enemy planes while your fighting.If you see a high 190 d25 dont jump on the guy d10 in front unless its a fast snap shot,alot of guys get there kills this way waiting for you to engage and sneak up for the kill.Bottom line get a feel for your surroundings know when to engage and when not to.

  4. ENERGY ACM….Use your alt, dont get into a hurry to turn fight when you have a alt. advantage.Make high speed passes hopeing for a snap shot.If skys are clear and your lucky enough to get a 1 on 1 fight you can just use it to get on the six.But in a boom and zoom machine like a 190,p47,p51,pull up and out until your speed runs out,then dive again. Dont get suckered into a turn fight to die.If you are losing your advantage because of several missed passes,climb out befor its to late, and take your time.
  5. DEFENCE… Once you have a guy on your six never fly straight, keep moveing side to side in "Sissors" Im not saying stick jerking but "fly" swoop side to side,until you can get to a friend to come to the rescue.(They may call you a stick jerker cause they want you to hold still to kill you).Once in a while if the attacker has to much speed you can pull radical turns slowing your speed and hope for a snap shot when he blow past. Never drop your gear to slow,they see it as a red flag your trying this manuver. Flying below your icon also throws them off ie below 100ft. Flying straight into the sun also makes you invisable.
  6. RADAR is the enemy, fly below 300ft to sneak attack. One jerk of the stick and the whole squadron could be in jeopardy.When flying at 200ft or less watch you altimeter, and center stick repeatedly " f12 key".

  7. STEALTH… below 100ft you have no icon, they cant see you at d30 or 40 above. Use this in ju52s when nearing a field and, in sneak attack raids when the field is in sight and you can see "dots" enemy aircraft circling drop to 50ft wep and prepare to get there attention, jabo style pull up atlast second to 1000 ft dive down at your AA guns burning. Save bombs for hard targets. If no cons at enemy field stay below 300ft as you kill your targets, to avoid an enemy scramble.


  8. POP UP BOMBING… b25j is best for this, but all that have a norden work. Lined up and coming in at 90ft 2 or 3 miles out We hit auto climb "shift x key" the sight should be green at this time then the doors drop, go level at 1500ft or what ever, keep full power as the climb slowed your speed, drop on targets. Extending for a flip can happen fast at low alt. The higher you are the farther the flip.(When poping up the slowing of the climb makes your sight harder to use watch it.)

  9. JABO "Dive bombing" practice offline, the slower your going the easier to hit targets, but also easier to hit you. At the instant you drop you bomb it helps to push down on the stick, pushing you bomb down faster, at low alt 200ft etc. Also if you have 1000lb bombs dont get quite as low for release as the explostion can take you with it.

  10. ENERGY JABO….Alt is your allie, use it wisely when Jabo a field drop and use your energy to the max by pulling up till your speed runs out. Don’t get in a hurry and pull a high G turn pulling you pants to your knees to get to another target. Wait till your at the top of Your "E" then dive again. The same goes for Vulching, get in and get out with a smile on you face,and a fist (or finger) shaking behind. Bottom line is don’t hurry into Combat, climb and wait till your have the advantage.

  11. BUFF…. Close formation at all times, alone you’re a sitting duck. Make sure you have the same fuel and load that everyone does or you cant keep up. If you have been having problems keeping up load 3 percent less fuel than the rest and get the feel of staying close. Auto climb out over friendly skies we tend to spread out a bit. Once in enemy air space fly buy hand and get d0 to your box. Basic radio from the lead plane is V "vector" 270 T "throttle" 90 "percent" Green up your sights 20 miles out at 20,000 ft get target maps so we can all call numbered targets for the pass.

  12. BUFF KILLING….First if you have a choice use a plane with alot of fire power,FW 190 ,ME 110-2,Mossie Fighter. Climb above them, dive at high speed, concentrate your guns on one spot like the elevator, or wing.Dont ram them,once a strafing pass is complete keep goinging weaveing to avoid guns./Once out of range climb above again,and repeat. Never climb to them attacking from there six. They arnt going to get away, take your time and climb.

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